- From our Principal
- RE Matters
- Curriculum Corner
- APA News
- Strategic Priorities 2024
- From our Counsellor
- SchoolTV
- Around the School
- Sporting News
- Awards
- Vacation Care
- Tuckshop News
- Parent Orbit
- Notices
- Community News
From our Principal
Dear Parents,
As the year draws to a close, I share with you the following story. I hope that the message conveyed in the story resonates with you as much as it does with me.
Christmas is for love. It is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for reuniting with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly covered packages. But, mostly Christmas is for love. I had not believed this until a small elfin like pupil with wide innocent eyes and soft rosy cheeks gave me a wondrous gift one Christmas.
Matthew was a 10 year old orphan who lived with his aunt, a bitter, middle aged woman greatly annoyed with the burden of caring for her dead sister's son. She never failed to remind young Matthew, if it hadn't been for her generosity, he would be a vagrant, homeless waif. Still, with all the scolding and chilliness at home, he was a sweet and gentle child.
I had not noticed Matthew particularly until he began staying after class each day [at the risk of arousing his aunt's anger so I learned later] to help me straighten up the room. We did this quietly and comfortably, not speaking much, but enjoying the solitude of that hour of the day. When we did talk, Matthew spoke mostly of his mother. Though he was quite young when she died, he remembered a kind, gentle, loving woman who always spent time with him.
As Christmas drew near however, Matthew failed to stay after school each day. I looked forward to his coming, and when the days passed and he continued to scamper hurriedly from the room after class, I stopped him one afternoon and asked him why he no longer helped me in the room. I told him how I had missed him, and his large brown eyes lit up eagerly as he replied, 'Did you really miss me?'
I explained how he had been my best helper, 'I was making you a surprise,' he whispered confidentially. 'It's for Christmas.' With that, he became embarrassed and dashed from the room. He didn't stay after school any more after that.
Finally came the last school day before Christmas. Matthew crept slowly into the room late that afternoon with his hands concealing something behind his back. 'I have your present,' he said timidly when I looked up. 'I hope you like it.' He held out his hands, and there lying in his small palms was a tiny wooden box.
'It's beautiful, Matthew, Is there something in it?' I asked opening the top to look inside. 'Oh you can't see what's in it,' he replied, 'and you can't touch it, or taste it or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the time, warm on cold nights and safe when you're all alone.'
I gazed into the empty box. 'What is it, Matthew' I asked gently, 'that will make me feel so good?'
'It's love,' he whispered softly, 'and mother always said it's best when you give it away.' He turned and quietly left the room.
So now I keep a small box crudely made of scraps of wood on the piano in my living room and only smile when inquiring friends raise quizzical eyebrows when I explain to them there is love in it.
Yes, Christmas is for gaiety, mirth, song, and for good and wondrous gifts. But mostly, Christmas is for love.
--- Author Unknown ---
Wishing you every blessing for the final week of school,
Geraldine Rostirolla
Congratulations to the following students who have been elected to student leadership positions for the 2025 school year:
School Captains: Josephine Beresowskyj & Austin Joseph
McBride House Captains: Sophia Watson & Max Camargo
Wallace House Captains: Claudia Dennis & Liam Deguara
Castles House Captains: Neila Zarzecki & Jonty Widdowson
Carroll House Captains: Alexandra Carless & Luke Phegan
All Year Six students can be proud of their efforts in nominating for leadership positions this term. We look forward to a wonderful year in 2025, with our Year Six students leading by example.
Thank you to the many parents, staff and students for attending our Carols Night last week. Once again it was a very large crowd that attended this event and we were pleased to see so many enjoying this special time together. Special thanks to Ms McDonald for co-ordinating the Carol’s evening and to our hard working teachers for their contribution and support. We hope you enjoyed this time to catch up with friends and to join with your children at this special time of celebration.
As the year comes to a close we would like to take this opportunity to thank our PARENTS & FRIENDS executive members and the members of our SCHOOL BOARD for your generosity and commitment to our school over the past twelve months. Thank you also for your wisdom and advice on so many occasions – your guidance has been a blessing.
To the Emmanuel parent body, I thank you for your tremendous support and assistance which has allowed us to undertake a variety of worthwhile and enjoyable events throughout the school year. Once again your energy and enthusiasm has contributed to the community spirit that we experience here in our wonderful school. Thank you one and all, for all that you have been to Emmanuel.
I pray that the Peace and Blessings of Christ rest with you and your family over the Christmas Season and look forward to seeing you all again in January.
The following is a list of Staff for the 2025 school year.
RE Matters
With the school year coming to an end and Christmas fast approaching, I thought I would share the ‘gift’ of the story below. Enjoy!
There was a family, just an ordinary family, preparing for Christmas. They had put up and decorated their tree, bought and wrapped some presents and started preparing for the celebrations.
One evening, as they were sitting down to dinner, they heard a knock at their door. When the door was opened there was no one to be seen, just a box wrapped in brown paper sitting on the mat. Inside was a small ceramic lamb.
The next evening about the same time, there was another knock on their door and another box wrapped in brown paper. The family was surprised to see a ceramic shepherd, until they realised that it matched the lamb they had received the previous day.
Each evening another brown paper wrapped gift was left at their door, and by Christmas Eve they had all, but one piece of a beautiful Nativity set. Even though they had been trying to catch the ‘gift giver’ they still had no idea who was leaving the boxes. It was all very exciting!
As they went to bed that night, they prayed that the final gift, the gift of baby Jesus, would appear on their doorstep. Next morning each family member checked in the hope of finding the ‘Reason for the Season’ …….. but no box, no brown paper, no Baby Jesus was left on their mat.
Somewhat disappointed, the family opened their presents, shared a delicious breakfast and got ready for Mass. As they walked up to the door of the church an elderly woman, whom they often visited and ran errands for, approached and greeted them. She was a nice person, but she was sickly, poor and very lonely. She had no family of her own and few friends to help her or spend time with her. With a hug and a teary ‘Thank You’ she placed a small box wrapped in brown paper in the mother’s hand.
Inside was Baby Jesus. He had come - a long awaited and hoped for gift, wrapped simply and given for all.
Jesus comes into our lives in ways we do not always expect. He comes when we serve and love others as he did. He comes in kindness and forgiveness, friendship and gratitude. Let us open our hearts and welcome God into our lives though the people we meet and the love we share.
Wishing you abundant blessings and all the joy of the Christmas season.
Our Thanksgiving Mass was a wonderful celebration. We reflected on and gave thanks for the year we have shared and farewelled students and staff who are leaving our school. The students participated prayerfully and sang beautifully. A big thank you to Fr Andrew who continues to encourage and support us, Mrs Whelan, Mrs Rooney and Miss McDonald who provided and led the wonderful music and singing, and to all member of the Emmanuel Family who joined the celebration. We have lots to be grateful for at Emmanuel.
On Tuesday we presented our Christmas hampers and a cash donation to representatives from the St Joseph’s St Vincent de Paul Conference. They advised that our contribution will allow them to provide support to families in our region this Christmas.
A very big THANK YOU to all families who provided items for these hampers and added coins and notes to the Christmas buckets at our Carols Evening. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Fr Andrew will be celebrating his 10th Anniversary of Priesthood on Monday 9th December. It will coincide with the celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mass will be celebrated at 5.30pm at St Joseph’s, North Mackay and will be followed by a light supper. For catering purposes, please RSVP through the Parish Office by Tuesday 3 December.
Last chance to get tickets in this AMAZING raffle. With a First Prize of $10 000, tickets are great value at $5.00 each. The raffle will be drawn Friday 20 December, just in time for Christmas.
Tickets are available online, before and after weekend Masses and from St Joseph's Parish Office
(Monday - Friday 9am to 12:00pm - phone 49574855).
Noeleen Kliese
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Curriculum Corner
A reminder to parents to please check that you have downloaded the 'Parent Orbit App' or can sign in to Parent Lounge online priorto reports being released. If you have any queries, please contact our school office.
Report cards have been made available will once again be available through Parent Lounge TODAY from 5:00pm on Thursday 5 December
Access Report Cards via Parent Orbit App:
1. Open Parent Orbit App
2. Select 'Student' on the lower menu bar of the app
3. Select 'Academic Reports'
Access Report Cards via Parent Lounge (internet browser):
1.Open your internet browser and type in the URL for Emmanuel Catholic Primary School website: ecps.qld.edu.au
2.Click on Parent Lounge under Quick Links
3.Click on the Parent Lounge icon
4.Login with your unique ID number and the password remains the same as previously used
A Reporting Taskforce was formed by the Curriculum Team at Catholic Education Diocese of Rockhampton. As a result of their consultation, some changes have been made to ensure consistency for the core features of reporting across the Diocese. These changes came into effect for our Semester Two, 2023 Report Cards.
- Prep achievement wording revised
- Year 1 - 6 achievement uses an A - E scale
- EFFORT AND ATTITUDE now replaces the previously used term 'Application'. A three-point scale is now used,Commendable, Satisfactory and Needs Improvement. This scale applies to student diligence, behaviour and engagement.
- SOCIAL AND PERSONAL LEARNINGnow replaces the previously used term 'Social Development and Work Habits'. Athree-point scale is now used,Commendable, Satisfactory and Needs Improvement.
Brooke Tomkinson
Acting Assistant Principal Curriculum
APA News
Class placement letters will be sent home viaemail on Monday 09 December 2024.
Please allow time to receive your class placement letter if you have multiple children here at school as they will be sent individually, over the course of the day, and this may take some time.
Please note: we ask that you ensure your email details are up to date.
As per Workplace Health and Safety protocols,all medication stored at school must go home at the completion of your child’s last day of school this year.Medication cannot be sent home with students, so it is necessary for parents/caregivers to collect the medication from the front office. An important letter and necessary documents has been sent home today to help families prepare for the return of medication and documentation at the start of the 2025 school year.
At the conclusion of our final assembly, all classes will move with their teacher, back to their individual classrooms. Parents of students in all year levels are welcome to collect their child on conclusion of the final assembly (approximately 12.30pm).
Students leaving at this time must be signed outat their classroom. Should any parent be collecting a child or children from another family we ask that this information is communicated to classroom teachers via email.
If you are collecting your child during the lunch hour or the afternoon session, please sign out at the office as per normal procedures.
Supervision will be provided for those children whose parents are unable to collect them prior to 3:00pm due to work commitments.
Uniform Guidelines - 2025
Please be advised there will be no access in Stop, Drop, Go from 16/12/24-20/12/24 due to repair maintenence. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
Amanda McDonald
Assistant Principal Administration
Strategic Priorities 2024
From our Counsellor
As the school year ends, and I celebrate being the Emmanuel School Counsellor for a year, I’d like to share some reflections.
I am grateful that so many of you have trusted me to work with your children. They really are wonderful little people, and I enjoy their perspectives.
I am consistently impressed by the Emmanuel Staff and their commitment to making things happen for the students.
Some of my favourite moments are whole school events such as sports day and the swimming carnival. It's great to see the kids come together, have fun and try their best.
If I could provide one tip for the holiday period, it would be to try and keep your children connected socially. Having play dates and sleepovers can help manage social interactions upon their return to school, as there is less pressure on them to meet their social needs in the playground.
Have a wonderful festive period!!!
Hayley Francis
School Counsellor
There are lots of amazing resources available on SCHOOLTV to support and empower parents to better deal with the challenges of raising happy, well and resilient young people.
For short video clips, articles and fact sheets, from leading specialists and key wellbeing organisations, check out the tab via the link below or on our school website.
Around the School
Yesterday, students in Year 6T had the wonderful opportunity to visit the Glenella Care home to spend some time with their pen pals. Students and residents enjoyed a chat and meeting in person. Here is what some students have to say:
Yesterday, we went to the retirement home and I talked to 10 people but the best one was James because of his music tips and achievements and I really enjoyed talking to Victor. Cooper (6T)
At the retirement home I was so excited to meet everyone. I didn't eat anything but the food looked so good. When I gave my present to Elise she was so happy. Can't wait to go again. Linsey (6T)
I loved going to the old peoples home. It was really fun and delicious. Talking to Meryl and chatting about sports was fun and a good fit for me. The food was really good and the drive was fun when we chatted. Connor (6T)
Showing images 1 - 8 of 15
Sporting News
Parents of competitive swimmers at Emmanuel please be aware of the procedures for Capricornia 10-12yrs Swimming Team nominations which are due early in 2025.
- The regional team will be selected from times submitted.
- Regional selections will be based on times recorded at a QSA sanctioned long course meet in a 50m pool during the current season (as of Sept. 2024 - Current 2025) ONLY.
- There will be regional qualifying standards applied for nominations.
- Individuals will be requested to send ALL NOMINATIONS to the Capricornia School Sport Office for purposes of regional selection.
- To avoid confusion and misplacing of nomination forms, Regional Nomination Forms will be available through SCHOOLS, CAPRICORNIA SCHOOL SPORT OFFICE and WEBSITE www.capsport.eq.edu.au
- Swimmers may nominate their best times for selection in the following events from a QSA sanctioned event ONLY (this does not include Club Night participation):
- 50-metre events (all strokes / all age groups – i.e. 10, 11 & 12 years – born 2015, 2014, 2013)
- 100 metre events (all strokes / all age groups)
- 200 metre Individual Medley (all age groups)
- 200 metre events (all strokes / 10-12yrs age group)
- 400 metre Individual Medley (10-12yrs age group)
- 400 metre Freestyle (10-12yrs age group)
- ALL nomination forms must have attached a printout copy from either Swimming Australia’s ‘Results Central’ or ‘Swim Central’ ONLY, highlighting the child’s name, Long Course verified event and the nominated event/s times from 1st Sept. 2024.
- Each nomination MUST have the “Principal Approval Form” attached filled out and submitted along with the Nomination Form to be considered for selection.
- Ages are calculated on Year of Birth - Maximum age is 12 years (Born 2013)
- Confirmation of receiving your nomination will be emailed to the address indicated.
- Complete Online Registration & Cap Trial $13.00 Levy Payment by Wednesday 23th February 2025.
ALL students wishing to nominate will be required to register and pay the Capricornia Trial ($13.00 Inc GST) non-refundable Levy ONLINE prior to being considered for selection. Capricornia Trial levies can be paid online at https://rssshop.education.qld.gov.au/ Please select the Capricornia Region and Regional (10-12yrs Swimming) Trials to register and make payment.
Lisa Bottcher
HPE Teacher
Congratulations to the students pictured below who received a Principals Award in Week 9.
Vacation Care
Alex Martin
OSHC Co-Ordinator
Tuckshop News
We would like to thank our amazing volunteers that have assisted in the tuckshop this year. Without your help we would not be able to operate, so we really appreciate all that you do. Wishing you all a very safe, happy and blessed Christmas and New Year.
Angie & Mary-Anne
Tuckshop Conveeners
Parent Orbit
We're excited to announce a new mobile app for Emmanuel Catholic Primary School,Parent Orbit,is now ready for you to download and use.
We will be decommissioning our current Emmanuel Catholic Primary School App on Friday 29 November 2024. We suggest you have the Parent Orbitapp downloaded by Friday, 22 November 2024.
TheParent Orbitapp, which is connected to Parent Lounge, will improve our communication with each other as it offers a quick and easy way to receive notifications, view academic reports, book Parent/Teacher interviews, add and acknowledge Student Absences, view and pay School Fees, accept or decline excursions via the Events and Payments tile, update student details, email class teachers and much more.
The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. To find out more about eligibility requirements click here:
Parents who park in the parkland along Baxter Drive (ie: the grassed area opposite the Emmanuel Bus Stop) are asked to ensure theyDO NOTenter or exit this area via Mackay Bucasia Road. We have been advised by Queensland Department of Transport that this is a significant safety issue and we ask that this practice does not continue. Mackay City Council have advised us that this area should not be utilised for parking in the morning or afternoon and that all vehicles need to park within the designated areas assigned for parking purposes outside Emmanuel Catholic Primary School and Holy Spirit College.
We appreciate and understand that there are considerable parking issues across both campuses, but would like to take this opportunity to remind parents that the preferred drop-off / pick-up site for Emmanuel students is the STOP, DROP, GO area, and parents are strongly encouraged to use this facility. Students are supervised until 3.30pm allowing for parents to delay pick-up of students so as to ensure a smooth flow of traffic within a timely manner. We thankyou for your assistance and cooperation in ensuring all members of our school community experience a safe and stress-free arrival to and departure from school.
Community News
Invitation to Habana Christmas Events
2025 Mackay Sport and Rec Expo
9am – 1pm, Sunday, February 9 at the MECC
The annual event is a free, sport and recreation sign-on for the Mackay region and will have approximately 100 sport and recreation booths on display. There will be a range of active zone demonstrations on the day, heaps of prizes up for grabs and a number of local sporting heroes on hand to sign autographs. For more information, visit the council website (please note - more details about prizes and active zone demonstrations will be added to the website closer to the event).
Note - There will be a quiet hour for the first hour of the event from 9am to 10am. The quiet hour is for anyone who would benefit from a calmer environment - lights are dimmed and noise is minimised for a relaxed environment.