Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

A THE SPRINGFIELD UNION, SPRINGFIELD, FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 19, 1946 I BARNES DENIES INCEST CHARGES Orchard Man's Case Contin- TRUCK RIPS 40 FEET OF FENCE Lecte, Local Driver, Escapes Injury, However Lincoln W. Leete, 205) of 15. Allenlalo Street, of this city, escaped unharmed early today when heavily loaded truck he was driving struck a highway shoulder. went. out of control, ripped, up 40 feet of highway.

and plunged down an embanknent, nosing into a drainage ditch in lampden, Conn. A load of vegetables the truck. caried WAS scattered over a wide area, rut most of them was recovered and ransferred another vehicle. No irrest was made. Leete is employed by the Company, 115 Lyman stressolis tar as it could be learned, he left' this city early this morning.

An official of the company went to; the scene of the accident today. Annual Statement Of Sheraton Corp. The annual Statement of Sheraton C'orporation for year ended April 0. 1916, to be a mailed to stockholdrs on July 29 to over the op-. rations of Sheraton just prior to its with United States Realty, show net earnings for the 12- nonth period, after depreciation and' llowance for Federal taxes 76,741, against A figure of $723,746.

eported for first six months af. he year. The year's net was equivaent to $1.45 per share on the 1,157,147 hares of Sheraton Corporation stock outstanuing on April 30, last. U. S.

Corporation, the company is now known, has st purchased the famous. Rangely ake Hotel at Rangely Lakes, Me. The 100 acres of landscaped grounds Include A golf court and tables. The hotel has 150 guest rooms and several public. rooms.

Fish in Good Supply, Anyhow Several good reasons for an increased consumption of "fish these Hays, In addition to' the fact meat has dumped so drastically in price, were forward by one leading fish dealer 'n the city. In, addition to getting other discouraged when you consider he price of steak. these as against the price of filet of sole, lounder or haddock. fish' is a' better food and you get twice as nuch out of a pound of fish as you out of a pound of steak. he said.

The demand for fish did not increase heavily following the rise in he meat prices. Business at present is ollowing normal lines, it was stated. Che supply is excellent and the prices lave not increased. Local Notices ANNIVERSARY, MASS There will he an anniversary mass for' Patrick Carey, Saturday morning at. Our Lady of Hope Church, 8.

mA Died BONNEVILLE-In, Wesson Memorial Hospital, the 17th, 'Lionel Bonneville, 15 Montrose St. Funeral to be held from George St. Pierre funeral -home, 576 State Saturday followed by, 8 high mass of requiem at 9 at Holy Family Church. Burial will be in St Michael's Cemetery, CANET-In Aldenville, the 18th, Charles A. Caney, 83, of 323 Central Street.

Funeral at the parlors of DickinsonStreeter Company. 305-307 State Street, Saturday at 2 p. with organ prelude at 1.30. Interment in Hillcrest Park Cemetery. family will receive friends at the parlors Friday evening from 7 to 9, CLARK-In this city, the 18th.

Philip E. Clark of 25 Burlington St. Funeral services at. Byron's funeral home Saturday at 3 p. m.

Burial in Springfield Cemetery. this city, the 18th, Mrs. Maude F. (Dewey) Clark, 48 years, wife of George Clarke of 7. Lillian St.

Funeral services at Byron's funeral home Monday at 3 p. m. Burial in Knoll Cemetery, Palmer. HERSEY--In this city. the George Lincoln Hereey.

80 years, of :62 Maggachusetta Avenue, Funeral. services at Byron's funeral home Saturday afternoon at 4.30. Burial in Oak. Grove Cemetery. -In West Springfield, the 19th; Arthur L.

Hobday husband of Helen E. Hohday of 57: Nelson St. Funeral from the R. D. Tonmey.

funeral. home, 1065 Westfield at time. to be announced. JONES In this city, the -16th; Charles W. Jones, 82.

of 17. Wexford Street. Funeral at the of DickinsonStreeter Company, 305:307. State Street, Monday at 10 8. with organ Jude at 9.30, followed by services at the Eaton funeral home, Needbam, 4 p.

m. Interment In Cemetery. LACROIX -In Willimangett, the Mra, Margaret (Courtney) Lacroir. wife of Alfred Lacroix, of 644. Chicopee Street, Willimansett, and aunt of Rev.

John F. Harrington, Chancellory, Spring-1 field, Rev. Timothy. F. Harrington, and Rev.

Edward 5. Griffin, Chicago. 'Funeral from the James B. Hobert Sons funeral home, Holyoke: Saturday, at, 9.15 followed by A solemn high mass of requiem in Church of the Nativity' at 10. Burial Jerome: LOVERING- In Agawam, the Edr.

ward M. Lovering, 799 Main St. Funeral services at Byron's funeral home, Saturday afternoon at 1.30. in Mecting House Cemetery. West Springfield.

(Pittsfield and Bridgepart papers please copy.) MELZHEIMER-In Holyoke. the Mrs. Anna widow. of Louis Melzheimer of 31: Coit Street. The funeral will be held at the Alfer funeral home Saturday.

afternoon- at 2. Rev. M. Le Steup wit officiate and burial will be in Elm PAPPAS--In this: city. the 17th.

ARthony D. .38 Geness St. F.uneral at Byron's. funeral' home, Saturday, St. at 13 George.

noon, Orthodox followed by Church services 'at 1 o'clock. Burial in Oak Grove Cemetery. PILACHOWSKI-A: Westfield, the 19th, Harriett (Ripley) Pilachowskt, 57, wife, of Michael, at her home, 47 West: Silver St. Funeral services Sunday at: 2. at the Methodist Church, Southwick.

Burial In New Cemetery, PROCTOR--In Ludlow. 19th. Mrs. Roxie (Wilson) Proctor. 37 years, wife ot John Proctor of 16 Maple Ludlow.

Funeral services at Byron's funeral hom*o Sunday at 2 m. Burial in Island Pond Cemetery, Ludlow. WHEELER--In this city, the 18th, Frank F. Wheeler, 80,,, of 44 Laurel Street. Longineadow.

Memorial service at Springfeld Cometery Chapel, Monday at m. with organ prelude at 3.30. Please omit flowers. FLOWERS SCHLATTER'S SCHLATTER son. lee.

BAY ST. 12 PYNCHON ST. 3-9013 TEL 1-3100 Park Cemetery and Mausoleum. 1-8517 or 0-0636 25 Harrison Ave. LOTS AND CRYPTS SOLD Iniormation on Request JAP BEETLES MEAN BUSINESS Invading Army Largest in Fifteen Years The Japanese beetle, that fast multiplying summer.

pest, has invaded this city and surrounding areas to the extent that a cali-to-arms. has been sounded to all home owners who want to salvage their lawns, gardens and shrubbery before the tiny but dynamic invader emerges victorious in the fight now being waged between man and the bug. The beetle horde is the largest of 15 years and if proper treatment of the land by the home owners is not put into effect, this city is going to suffer the same fate as the residents of Long Island are facing today. The beetles are so great in number down there that they are found on almost every store counter and rapidly gaining so strong a majority in numbers that many of the folk down there are wondering if they aren't going to have. to move out instead of tho pest, if things keep up the way they are.

L. Fletcher Prouty, city forester, made clear the fact that beetle traps are not the solution in conquering the "little devastator." They help in trapping quite but the real treatment to "rough up" the destroy. ers, is to spread arsenate of lead over every foot of ground, which is one of the best means used today in combatting the beetle. Another' way the KO punch can he administered by the land owners is to spray DDT over lawns and bushes. One acre of ground requires about 500 pounds of arsenate of lead to be effective.

Small house lots can use about 50 pounds of the poison as a maximum in fighting the pest. Larger lots can be effectively protected by using 100 pounds. The seriousness of the situation is not to be minimized as the beetle, after being successful in absorbing the grass and bushes, moves on to "greener pastures," namely vegetable gardens, flower gardens and grapevines. Dr. Shirley Plays At Camp Norwich Dr.

Donald Shirley, doctor of psy-. chology and noted Negro planist and organist, gave an organ recital at Camp Norwich for its mid-week vesper service. Dr. Shirley played religious and secular works of great YMCA camp. masters a for the boy attending the The program included: Maria," Schubert; "Woodland Sketched Suite," MacDowell; Bach's "Allegro," Vivock; Medley of familiar tunes which included many secular tunes, and "Indian by Smetana.

Dr. Shirley has played the organ in Symphony Hall, Boston, during the past winter. He played in Carnegle Hall, New York; Jordan Hall, Boston; for the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and in numerous churches throughout New England. The concert was hell on the veranda of Lincoln Hall, which overlooks the beautiful Lake Norwich, and gave an excellent setting for this aesthetic performance. Dr.

Shirley is the instructor of arts and crafts at the camp. Three lodges went on an all day 15- mile hike to a section near the camp called Ghost Town, where the boys examined the ruins of an old farm settlement which has been abandoned for many years. Riverside Fracas Probe by Hewey Chief Perley J. Hewey and Sgt. Roland Reed of the Agawam police conferred with Richard Ford, 19, of Jenness Street, this city, late this afternoon to get a first-hand explanation of last night's fracas at Riverside Park in which Ford was badly cut on the left wrist and required hospitalization.

Ford first reported to Agawam police that he was cut during an agrument at the summer park but was not sure his assailant was. Park officials were checked land no report of an affray on the park grounds was uncovered. The youth returned from the resort on a. street rallway bus and was taken to the Wesson Memorial Hospital by a friend when he arrived in the city. Seven stitches were taken in the wrist wound and after recelving medical treatment Ford was released.

25th Year We are holding the LINE! SAME PRICES 25 Years of Honest Service M42 MAIN BIKE ST. SHOP ST RECORD HIT OF THE YEAR IN STOCK NOW "I LEFT MY HEART IN MISSISSIPPI" Original recording by Herb Jeffries on the Exclusive Label Direct from Hollywood. Send 15g Price for $1.05 mailing Tel. 6-6383 BECKER SWEET MUSIC 97-101 DWIGHT STREET Union Photo MECHANIZED JAP BEETLE. WARFARE above is one of the latest units to be used on Springfield's invasion of Japanese beetles and fall wet worms by the Park Department.

unit is a blower designed to distribute DDT, mixed within umobile, on trees, foliage, and banks of streams. The blower, generates a gale of wind equivalent to 150 miles an hour forces the spraying mist into the trees. Wind conditions determine the effectiveness of the horizontal drift which varies from 120 1000 feet. J. Fletcher Prouty of the P'ark Department today said there were no harmful after effects from the blower or the spray, which is the nearest yet devised to approximate spraying airplane.

Operations have been carried out in the area west of McKnight section, and at picnic groves at King Philip's Stockade. Appeals Board Upsets Building Commissioners Decision Again The Board of Appeals again has clared that it does agree with overruled a decision made by Build- the commissioner that the proposed ing Commissioner Gordon Robertson. than coffee the shop cleaning would be establishment. greater danger This time it deals with. a petition, It points out that the question of fled by Helen E.

Stefano of 23 Carew fire protection can be disposed of on the premises. Robertson ruled metal lathe which are difficult to proStreet to establish a small coffee shop through use of proper a substitution for against her petition on grounds that cure at present. It leaves this quesmaterials to he used for certain plas- tion to the judgment of the commistering did not comply with the re- sioner who has authority to approve quirements of the building code and the use of substitutes which he bethat there existed a change of use of lieves to be practical. the premises which constituted a vio- Robertson said today that he would lation of the zoning ordinances. approve a substitute for metal lathe The Board of Appeals points out provided it was better than a type of that the property formerly was used wall board through which one could as a cleaning establishment and de- run Anger without difficulty.

Wife, 22, Freed From Husband, 50; Charges Patnode Blacked Her Eye Following a contested hearing, Judge John A. Denison in Probate Court today gave 22-years-old Virginia Melvina (Cannella) Patnode a. divorce from Wilfred Jed Patnode, who resides in the Hotel Barnes, and who is 50 years old, on. grounds of cruelty, and dismissed the divorce libel sought by the husband for Mrs. Patnode cruelthey were married Oct.

1, 1941, and she says that Aug. 24, 1945, her husband tore off her pajamas, blackened her eye and struck her several blows. She called police to the apartment. She alleged that he would not. give her money to run the house but.

limited her to $1 a day from which she nad to buy bread and milk as well as any luxuries. The husband alleged that his wife failed to keep her home as clean as he thought it should be, and objected to her keeping company with men of her own age. A third witness who was to testify was ill and could not appear in court, so counsel went to the home of the witness and agreed on the testimony which this witness would give if in court, and reported this agreement to Judge Denison who granted the wife's libel and dismissed the husband's. Philip E. Caporale is counsel for the wife, and Henry Patnaude is counsel for the husband.

WAA Provided Hose and Pumps To Farmers After Some Batting While due credit must be given to the WAA for helping out local farmers in present emergency, just to make the record straight, certain statementa released today by the agency are not quite accurate. In a release emanating from the Boston headquarters of the agency, the WAA laid claim to "Immediate response" to the demand made upon them for hose and pumps in combatting the severe county drouth by means of irrigation. The officials state they had at once set machinery into motion which made possible the release of 16,500 feet of OCD fire hose to the cities of Springfield, West Springfield and Westfield and that, through this action the cities were enabled to aid the stricken farmers. Actually, the real. story behind! the present flow of supplies now in the hands of the farmers in this area is slightly different.

The whole thing began last week, when conditions began to get so severe that County Paul Browne was called upon to secure aid in the form of irrigation equipment order to save the crops. Got Run. Around Browne made four calls to the WAA, seeking pumps and hose. He got the run around and ended up right where he started, with nothing. The Evening Union learned plight Monday, and of the trouble he had had trying to convince WAA needed equipment and needed it badly, in order to avert serious losses to farmers.

the newspaper stepped into the picture. A. call was made to the agency and several underlings were given story, without any details being spared. One official contacted promised to do his utmost to help out. Later in the day a call was received which assured Browne of some arrangement to give him what he needed.

The Evening Union went to bed thinking all was rosy. The following morning, 1t was learned from Browne that he had had pumps offered to him, with certain red tupe attached, and some hose. The price set on the hose was however exorbitant. He declined the offer and went out on his own to see what he could get out of the local towns. Director Cuts Red 'cape The Evening Union once more stepped in.

A call was made directly to the regional director of the WAA. After a bit of bandying about on telephone connections, the call was finally Pute through. When director was apprised of Veterans Need Not Pay for Prescriptions Veterans being treated by Veterans' Administration doctors on State Street here may have prescriptions filled by a local druggist without charge to themselves, it was announced today. The veteran must be under treatment for a service-connected disability, it was stressed; if any medicine is needed, the VA doctor prescribes what it is, and vet takes the prescription to Raleigh's Drug Store, on the of State and Maple Streets, for preparation. Raleigh's is the only VA drug store agency in this city.

Bill for the medicine no given the veteran an is sent this pharmacy to the Boston ton office, of the VA ued to July 25 Emery Barnes, 43, of 1216 Parker Street, Indian Orchard, a carpenter, pleaded not guilty before Special Judge Ralph 'S. Spooner in District Court today to three separate warrants charging him with incest. Bail of $3000 on each warrant, for a total of $9000, which was set by. court officials yesterday when Barnes was arrested downtown by Crime Prevention Bureau officers, was ordered to stand by the court and trial of the case continued to July 25. Barnes appeared without counsel.

Barnes was unable to furnish high. bail and was committed to the House of Correction in default. awaiting the above trial date. The trial date is the same date to which the cases of Barnes' 17 and 18-years-old daughters, both of whom are principals in two of the warrants charging incestuous relations, were continued yesterday. The daughters were charged with being stubborn children, on the complaint of the mother, and denied the charges in District Court yesterday.

The intimacies with his three daughters, with which Barnes 1s charged date back as far as 1942, with the lact charges resulting from his with: A third daughter in March of 1015. PRE FAB HOUSE PERMIT HELD UP Robertson Wishes to Study Plans Further The permit granted recently to H. A. Povley for the construction of a prefabricated house at 153 Groveland Street was suspended by Building Commissioner Gordon Robertson today pending further atudy. He pointed out that he wishes to make sure that the house will conform to the regulations for prefabricated houses which have been set up "by the Building Department.

Because of the Interest in the subject of prefabricated houses here these regulations are printed today. They follow: "Complete legible dimensioned drawings to scale, and specifications shall submitted the building commissioner describing the construction of all essential elements of the structure or assembly, identifying such materials vas may be designated by the building commissioner, with the name of the trade name, commercial grade, manufacturing process, chemical composition and all required data of the physical properties of the component materials. "Complete mechanical plans for the installation of heating, cooking, electrical wiring, ventilation and sanitary equipment and piping shall be submitted to the building official with the application for approval of the design of each specific prefabricated building. The plans shall include provision for the installation of piping and accessories for service equipment either in the shop or at the site; the assembly shall be readily accessible for field inspection; and no essential materials required for structural strength shall be. impaired, no structural elements be vitiated by the installation.

unit service equipment is furnished: with and forms an integral part of the prefabricated subassembly, the construction shall be performed to accommodate accessory conduits, piping, ducts, outlet boxes and fittings, and no materials essential to the structural strength shall thereafter be removed from structural during installation the site, "All service equipment shall comply with the requirements of this code for the control and installation of heating, electrical wiring, plumbing, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment." Mayr Reflects on Colorful Period With Military Intelligence When' Samuel L'. Mayr of 191 Street was drafted into the armed forces in December, 1943, he never dreamed at that time that his war travels would be so diversified and interesting. Trained As Engineer Because of his knowledge of the German language, was assigned as instructor in the post Army orientation program at Ft. Devens, a 'position he held for 14 weeks. Then followed his transfer to the engineer training.

center at. Ft. Belvoir, Va. where, after completing his training, he was again assigned to the orientation program which he held until his shipment overseas. Sailing for England as a member of the.

292d Combat Engineers Battalion, he remained with the outfit from the D-Day Normandy invasion and throughout its campaign in France, Holland, Belgium to the border of Germany. In January, 1945, he was sent to Paris to take part in intelligence examinations for four weeks. Once chosen as a member of Military Intelligence, he was assigned to a service team and at this point he embarked on a new and interesting phase of his military life. The MI team was composed of seven men, all of which rank a terrific amount of authority as Mayr was to find out later. At this point the purpose of the team was to enter a newly-captured city or town and, as quickly as possible, inaugurate restoration administration.

Later he was transferred to the Counter Intelligence Corps and attached to the Infantry Division for duty. He took part in the crossing of the Rhine. River and recalls that one hour after the river crossing, about 1000 German prisoners were Workers Urged To Appreciate Smoking Rights Union Photo plastics field held at the Kimball for the next four days by the Monsanto Chemical PLASTICS EXHIBIT section of the exhibition showing the latest discoveries and inventions in the Company, Plastics Division, of Springfield. This exhibition created a sensation when held in New York a few days ago. The show was open to the press this afternoon, to the employes and stockholders of the Monsanto Company Saturday and Sunday and to the general public next Monday, and Tuesday.

There will be admission charge, and tickets are not required. The two girls picture are not made of plastic, in case anyone should think so. they are two good souls who agreed to pose for the news photographer in order to, in his estimation, make the picture triply interesting. The names of the nonplastic girls are from left to right, Richards and Gertrude Adams, and they are normally employed at the Springfield Convention Bureau. -i G.

L. Hersey, Dies After Long Illness George. Lincoln Hersey, 80, of 62 Massachusetts Avenue, member of Springfield' pioneer family in the furniture business, died yesterday afternoon at his home after a long illness. was the son of the late John Wesley and Ellen Hersey. Mr.

Hersey succeeded his father. In the furniture business, which was. established by his father in 1886, in the old Kibbe Block at Harrison Avenue and Main Street, now the site of the Third National Bank Building. He was taken into the business as a partner by his. father in 1888.

and the establishment was known then as the J. W. Hersey Son Furniture Compang; He retired from the furniture busi- 1- ness in 1918 and after spending some years: here, moved. to Coral Gables, in .1934. He made his home in the Florida city until 1945 when he returned to Springfield.

Mr. Hersey was first married to -Georgie Deming, who died in 1917. In 1921 he married Ella Porter of Westfield, in Coral Gables, who survives him. He was a member of Hampden Lodge of Masons and one of the oldest members of Hampden Lodge of Odd Fellows. He was also a member of the Coral Gables Congregational Church.

I He leaves, besides his wife, one grandson, R. Wilbur Hersey, and two great-grandsons, George Larry Hersey and Robert Wilbur Hersey, of Springfield. ron's funeral home Saturday at 4.30 The funeral will be held from Byp.m., with Rev. Bryan F. Archibald of.

ficiating. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetery. Frank E. Wheeler, Longmeadow, Dies Frank: Elisha Wheeler, 80, of 44 Laurel Street, Longmeadow, died at Springfield Hospital Thursday afternoon. He: was born in Springfield on March 4, 1866, the son of Elisha and Henrietta (Shattuck) Wheeler, He was a graduate of Springfield High School and had been a prominent stock broker in Springfield for many years.

At the time of his retirement 20 years ago he was manager of Thompson. Towle Co. Mr. Wheeler was a lover of music, possessor of a fine bass voice, and had sung. in the choirs of South Congregational Church and the Old First Congregational Church.

He was a member of First Church of Christ in Longmeadow, Lodge of Masons and of Melha Temple Shrine. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Florence (Lillie) Wheeler. A memorial service will be held the Springfield Cemetery Chapel Monday afternoon at 4. Rev.

Eugene M. Bushong will officiate following an organ prelude by Harry H. Kellogg at 3.30. SIRS. MAUDE F.

CLARK Mrs. Maude F. (Dewey) Clarke, 48, wife: of George Clarke, died at her home on 17 Lillian Thursday night. Born- in Stockbridge, bad made her home here for the past 21 years. She leaves one 'son, Leroy: J.

of this city; two brothers, Fred this city and, Frank of. Palmer; tiro sisters, Mrs. Blanche George of Paliner and Mrs. Gladys Helberg of Farl Street, Longmeadow. Funeral services will he held from Byron's funeral home Monday afternoon at 2 Rev.

Orville Fletcher will officiate. 'Burials will be in Oak Knoll Cemetery, Palmer. 'ARTHUR F. HOBDAY Arthur T. Hobday, 53, of 57 Nelson Street, West Springfield, husband of Helen E.

Hobday, died suddenly at his home this morning. He. was born in. England and had lived here for the past 35 years. He was employed by Southworth Company as a superintendent for the past 11 years.

He was a veteran of the World War I. Besides his wife, he leaves six children, Mrs. Norma B. Smith, Mrs. Charles E.

Wheeler, Mrs. Edward Kelinowski, Ruth, and George, all of West Springfield; four brothers, Herbert of Lee, Ernest of Port Huron, Percy of River Rouge, and James of England; two sisters, Mrs, Levi W. Wallock of River Rouge. and Mrs. Gertrude of England, and one grandchild, Funeral services.

will be held from the R. D. Toomey funeral home on 1065 Westfield Street, West Springfield, at a time to be. announced. The funeral of Anthony Pappas of 38 Jenness Street will be held from Byron's funeral home Saturday at nnon, followed by services.

in St. George's Greek: Orthodox Church "at 1. Burial will be in Oak Grove Cemetry. City Sends for More Fire Hose To Aid Farmers Mayor Brunton and Supt. of Streets Benjamin' Grout sent a city truck to Boston today to get 10,000 feet of fire hose from the Boston City Fire Department for use by drouth pressed farmers of the area.

The Mayor said that the those would be turned over to the Hampden County Improvement League for distribution among farmers of the arca. is being loaned by the Boston officials, The truck was supplied by the Street Department and the Mayor assigned his chauf-. feur to drive the truck. F4 Deaths Dr. Meserve Dies 7 Of Heart Attack WESTON, July 19 (AP) As she prepared today to leave on her daily visit to her patients, Dr.

Faith L. Meserve, 51, died suddenly at her hone of a heart attack. "The physician was the daughter of the late' Rev. Harry C. Meserve, who held pastorates in Unitarian churches in Rye, Danbury, and Mass.

She was a native of She leaves her mother, two sisters and a brother, the Rev. Harry C. Meserve of the First Unitarian Church of New York City. LUDLOW, July 19 Mrs. Roxie (Wilson) Proctor, 35, wife of John Proctor, died suddenly at her home, at 16 Maple Street.

at 4.30 this morning. Mrs. Proctor, with her husband. entertained a friend last night and drove him to the Hartford airport before midnight. returning to She this retired town about shortly 15 minutes later, and awoke before 4, complaining of a severe pain in her side.

Dr. Sigmund P'osner answered an emergency call but she apparently dead on his arrival. A call was sent to the Ludlow fire department, the inhalator was used before Dr. Posner said she was The medical examiner pronounced death due to heart failure. Mrs.

Proctor was a native of field, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George. Wilson. Before her marriage; she was employed in the law office of Bacon, Wells, and Weltman.

Besides her husband, she leaves two daugh-1 ters; Betty and Sandra: her parents; and one brother, Raymond. also of Springfield. The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2, at Byron's funeral home, Springfield. Rev. William MacArthur, pastor of Union Church of Christ, officiating.

Burial will be in Island Pond Cemetery, Lud- Mrs. Proctor Dies Of Heart Attack low. ale CHARLES W. JONES SUCCUMBS AT 82 "Charles William Jones, 82, of 17 Wexford Street: died at a his home Thursday night. Je wAS born in Needham on Feb.

28, 1854. the son of George K. and Hannah (Hines) Jones, and had been. a resident of Springfield for the last 20 years. He was by the William Carter Company as master mechanic and had been associated with this firm for 57 years.

Mr. Jones was a member of Trinity Methodist. Church, Norfolk Lodge of. Masons in Needham, the Scottish" Rite Bodies and of Elliot Lodge of Odd Fellows in Needham. He leaves his wife, Mrs.

Mary Elizabeth (Carter) Jones, whom he mar. ried 58 years ago; two daughters, Mrs. Harry J. Teeling of Springfield and Mrs. Arthur Spicer of Holliston: one son, Laurence Carter Jones of Auburndale; eight grandchildren.

Miss Marion E. Teeling of Springfield, Mrs. Stearns Porter. Albert Barbara E. Spicer.

Jean L. Spicer and Dorothy A. Spicer, all of Holliston, and Laurence C. Jones, and Carol Jones. both of Auburndale; one greatgrandchild, Robert S.

Porter; two brothers, Frank E. Jones of Holliston and George B. Jones of Needham; and two sisters. AIrs. William Whipple of Newark, N.

and Drs. William Haynes of West Newton. The funeral will be held at th parlors of the Dickinson Streeter Company, Monday morning at 10 o'clock with an organ prelude at. 9.30, followed by services at the Daton Funeral Home. at 3 Rev.

Dr. H. Hughes Wagner, pastor of Trinity Methodist. Church, will officiate and the burial will be in NeedCemetery. FRIEND SPOTTED CURTAINS AFIRE Early Alarm Stops Earl' St.

Blaze Quickly A pair of lace curtains was burned and the woodwork on one: window frame in the downstairs tenement of a two-family house at 23 Earl Street was scorched by fire at 10.10. this morning. Fire department officials said the fire probably was caused by careless smoking. The tenement is poccupied by the family of' Bernard Gannon and Mrs. Gannon and a son were home at the time, asleep in bedrooms in the rear of the house.

The fire broke out in the living room and the Fire Department. responded to. a telephone alarm. The house 'Is owned by James J. Orciari of.

637 Newbury Street. The blaze, was discovered by unidentified man who was sitting in a car outside the house, waiting for a member of, the family occupying. the second floor tenement. The two were going to pick blueberries. He the curtains catch fire and rushed into: the house, got a.

pail; of water. and wet down the blazing lace curtain. to a telephone 120 WashAt 11.47, the department, responded ington Road. Members) of the family were burning. refuse in the boiler and a backdraft threw out a billow of smoke and flames, alarming the family to telephone for fire apparatus.

There, was no fire. damage. Evidently the Westinghouse union 1 newspaper believes that the plant workers should appreciate the smoking privileges recently conceded to them by the company. "Smoking' privileges, let's keep them," says the paper. Abuses' of conditions 'in new smoking privileges can mean their loss.

"Protect your gains by following the rules: "Put out your cigaret. "Use containers for butts. "If you smoke, produce too. Keep up your end of the group." The smoke provisions provide that a superintendent may revoke the privilege of an individual, group 01' department at any time because of abuse of privileges, including fires caused by smoking and works manager may revoke the privileges of. the- entire plant, for the same causes.

the full extent of the emergency and asked what was going to be done about it, he at once decided to cut red tape and act. First, he had the found a loophole he through which he legality of the move checked and aged to squeezo justification of his actions. Finally, after days of batting the problem back and forth, the agency really began to hump. Thousands of feet of hose from Boston were dispatched to. this area and every available in surrounding regions were rounded up.

Massey Admits Assaulting Wife John B. Massey, 32, of 72 Essex Street. Negro, pleaded guilty in District Court today to a charge of assault and battery on his wife, Emma Massey. Disposition of the case Wag set for Tuesday morning. Massey was arrested at Dwight and Essex Streets by members of the uniformed squad at 3 this morning.

Defaulting bail of $500, he was committed to the House of Correction to await dis. position of his case. Waste Collections Waste collections will be made on the following streets next Monday: Athol, Buckingham, Brickett, Connecticut, Congress, Continental, Curtis, Dana, East Alvord. Elliot, Glenwood Boulevard, Ilarvey, Joseph, Ladd, Lebanon, Maplewood, Methuen. Milford, Norfolk, Northumberland, Olive, Parkin, Parkwood.

Rimmon, Sharon, Spring. Thornsell, Upton, Warren and Westminster. Open daily from ROOM do 10 p. Mias PLASTICS EXHIBIT MONSANTO HOTEL KIMBALL TUES: JULY PLASTICS 4 -r SAMUEL L. MAYR taken by the Allied troops.

This constituted much work for his team. he said! They interrogated the prisoners, sometimes requiring as much as 12 to 11 He pursued this duty until the end of the war, after which he was assigned to a CIC unit team that screened prisoners of war, having the power to release or detain them by the mere gesture of placing or refusing to place their. signature on the prisoner's pass card. In September, 1945, he was sent to Frankfurt-on-Main and attached to the Office of U. S.

Chief of Council War Crime: Commission to check and prepare the thousands of documents necessary. for the trials of the high Nazi military officials. He was present at the Nuernburg trials when they opened in. October and remained there for most: of the trial cases. Mayr was discharged in Nuernburg and served in the same capacity as a civilian employe for two months before sailing home from Le Havre in May of this year.

Mayr said one of fate's most resounding blows was in store for him immediately following the war's end. He was in Munich, the very city in which he had last seen his parents. After inquiring, he was given directions and found his former home. The sight that greeted him was not a pleasant one. His father: at a table eating grass, and 'his mother was seated nearby and was blind as a result of her internment in 3.

German force labor camp. His mother later died while he Both his parents had been opposed'to Hitler's policies and as a. had been mistreated considerably by the Nazis. Since his arrival to this. country, he has begun procedures to have his father allowed entry to this 'country.

Mayr has taken up his old job as furrier with the "Foersters' Furrier Company located in Bridge Street. L. TO.

Springfield Evening Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

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Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.