Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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bond set on felony complaint fhwgtng him with attempted burglary Young 23 was arrested by city police Sunday for Investigation of Wtrljtu Wall Srrnr6 Jfrw RICIItt FALL- VISA! TUESDAY ni 11 1HI Page 2 FirstiDay of Parks Case Slowed by Legal Battles Waurika Lawman Named to OBI Weather Causesl Power Drain Wichita Falls Polka Focttond Fandaa Max Thomas Patch son a Mr Vernon School Head Named OKLAHOMA CITY June 17 0 Birina chief of the Oklahoma Bureau of Investigation today announced appointment of two new agent! boosting the force to 17 Appointed were Ernest Lovett Waurika former Jefferson and Mrs Guy A Peach of 3408 Sherwood Lane Wichita Falls Tex received the degree of Bach-' mu New York offices elevator serv- dor of Arts witha window and gavo chase ice was cut In some skyscrapers Wgn ffrs from However the psssersby lost tha and soma homes went briefly Washington 1 footrace with the elusive night- rH (ton during the university without power Rockefeller Cen- hunched and thirty-sixth JUM 8 Beverly Jean Bonner Wichita 1957 in Constitution Hall iFalla Negro wdman pleaded gull- -nm-ity Monday morning to theft over ving TwiV $5o and received a four-year-pro- lLiTbated sentence from Judge Tern-curity offices is James 6 James gjj usjatant regional represeptaUve whfl walved Jury of Dallas trial was indicted in May for tha James who opened the Wichita Itheft of four pair of trou-Faila district office in 1937 will Hrs and seven handkerchief! ter a chief tourist attraction shut off display lighting and cut elevator service Consolidated Edison Co which supplies New power urged consumers to cut to barest essentials A company spokesman attributed the power shortage to multitude of little headaches In power distribution coupled with after midnight Saturday Passers-by spotted a man attempting to enter the church through a broken Russian's Girl Nay Miss Trial (Can tinned town Past Om) Hospital here agree Cuihard'a and be leading staff member at the Miss Hough win be cent-n)itted for an indefinite period 'Abdu shell was killed less than three weeks after his marriage Bis bride from Highland Falla lf-Ywas the daughter of Prince Simon Sidamon-Eristoff who like Abdusheli was a member at the nobility in the Asian state of Georgia now part of the Soviet Union The shooting was reported to police by Misa Hough who telephoned and asked them to come quietly to her 11th floor apartment in a fashionable neighborhood wHhti a in cases whers tha death penalty can bs invoked Parka la immune from the electric chair because a state law prevents infliction of the death penalty upon a person convicted aa an adult of crime committed when he was a Juvenile Judge Purcell ruled the venire was not special and only tha Jury week waa special and ha overruled tha motion Castledine also failed Monday morning to have quashed the murder with malice indictment because the "court refused to give the defendant a speedy trial aa provided by the constitution of Texas and the United The same motion also asserted Parka "ia In ill health' and is confined so that he may receive very little exercise and his health and tha loss of his strength hu affected his ability to properly defend himself Castledine made numerous references to the fact Parks could not assist in locating witnesses (Coatlaued frem Page One) casei wera found In small area near bedroom door Six brothers of the late Luther Parka wera in the courtroom Monday along with the youth's maternal grandfather Jim Dumas of Snyder Tex The husky brown-haired Parks paid dose attention to court proceedings Monday and often conferred with chid defense counsel Jimmy Castledine concerning names and addresses of witnesses The youth wore the same dark blue oult he haa with him when returned to Wichita Falla from San Diego Calif following his Arrest there on a routine border inspection of Juveniles attempting to crocs into Mexico Parks who became 17 yean of age exactly mm month ago Tuesday smoked an occasional cigarette and at times slumped down into hii chair and cradled his head on his arms folded on the counsel table Castledine Monday afternoon was unsuccessful in his attempts to gain a postponement based on absence of witnesses he termed abnormally high demand Tha (Upon of air conditioners in oSTraSTO age from the standard 120 to 113 volts Commonwealth Edison Co which is repairing equipment that produces 400000 kilowatts drew extra power from utilities in Wisconsin and downstate Illinois to correct the situation The drop in voltage slowed be here one day Erton Rate district manager said When James IK counties but hu been reduced to 11 The regional area includes Texas Oklahoma New Mexico Arkansu and Louisiana Robert Cloyd Buzbee of Iowa Park wu charged here Monday with driving while intoxicated and business Mr and Mrs Eugene Martin are owners and managers A dining roan seating 98 persons and a coffee shop will be because of county Jail The motion charged also "that the State of Texas And the court S-B MS JRlS JOTLffSh Sr en-1 reached his 17th birthday taSJSS" StaSrT! DOtber a present He listed names and his confinement In Castledine asked the court to require the state to of down electric shavers sewing Sated by ait Hgh Hundreds of persons were left way Patrolman Fletcher homeleu in southwestern Min- and Triplett at 6:30 pm nesota and eastern South Dakota June 14 four miles northwest of w7keJld rains dumped upwichita Falls on US 207 to 10V4 Inches on the area Na-I tional Guardsmen were called out1 Two men 21 and 22 of Ryan to helpln Yankton Marshall andnkla received sentences of three repetition of offense a felony Busbee 32 wu held in county overlooking Rock Creek Park Iduring the weekend the work of Authorities said Mias Hough professional aaM crackers off an engagement with thejparently out of Dallas" handsome six-foot-tall AbduaheO police Lt Bill Capehart said a year ago when she learned he modus operand! of the burg-was going out with other women 1 here waa ilmilar to previoua i Mias Hough a Radcliffe College narcotic hauls traced to known Saduate also was quoted as say-I Abdusheli came to her apartment against her wishes to console her on the death of her father Dr William Hite Hough 71 in peland Fla i Police aaid aha told them she got her gun out after Abdusheli became "more and mort tugged at her sweater and skirt and lunged at her 1 Misa Hough has been examined by both government and defense psychiatrists Their reports have not been made public Dallaa hoodlum The most recent burglary however netted the largest narcotic haul In history of the city plus from three to four thousand dollars In cash A complete inventory of both narcotics and money is still in process of being compiled Lt Capehart said Police indicated the haul of narcotics would amount to between $30 to $40 at the wholesale commercial price However the going black market price hikes the fold County sheriff and Tollie Bogan 17 Lawton 11-year Army ret-cran Bivina aaid that Bogan ia the first Negro to be named to the OBI Both men will work out of the Oklahoma City division Safe Burglars Make Big Haul Wichita Fella police Monday night termed the narcotic bur- flary at Monroe Street Pharmacy amount a hundred police say Claude West store owner told a reporter approximately a thousand dollars waa taken by Hie burglars The drugs taken In the early morning burglary included approximately NO one-fourth' to me grain tablets of morphine approximately tablets of pans pone approximately 500 tablets of seconaL IN milligrams of demand In ampules and tablets and an undisclosed amount of ccKleine and dotophlne The burglars gained entry by drilling holes In the drug store's 1 roof and then knocking the weak ened boards out The safe located In an office in the back of the store opened by stripping the rivets on the outside doer peeling lt back and then knocking the lock on the inside door Detectives 0 (Moon) MuL Sioux Fells SD A Milwaukee Road railroad train running nine hours from Aberdeen SD to Minnie polis because of rain caused track damage hit a washout and! late produce names witnesses who testified during the grand Jury session May 22 which produced the indictments against Parka Castledine asked also for names of witnesses he claimed gave sworn statements to' the pand Jury District Attorney Wilson countered by identifying the names of persona who testified at the pand jury hearing on the list gf state witnesses under subpoena and uid ha had knowledge only of witnesses who appeared before the grand jury Castledine failed also in hia attempts to secure an autopsy report compiled by Wichita County Pathologist Dr Donald Fletcher The defense attorney claimed he had been refused permission to see the document and the state uid he was not entitled to it beyond knowledge of cause of death The defense attorney charged also he wu unable to secure court records of a civil action concerning estate of the late Mr and Mrs Parks Castledine said he had filed application for decua tecum subpoena days in jail and paid fines of $50 after pleading guilty to charges of theft Monday morning in county court The pair were arrested at 12:10 when they were spotted roll- wu derailed near Montevideo inlng two tires on a downtown In western Minnesota The injuredjatreet by Officers Charles Ken-were hospitalized at Montevideo I nedy Jim Goforth and Don Me-Minn truck driver drowned near Cain They were in the company Clara City Minn of four other Ryan youths Three persons drowned Sunday The two men admitted taking night near Flandreau SD when the tins from the rear of a pick-their car plunged into the Big up owned by Douglu Floor Co Sioux River at a bridge washout at 2301 Holliday When the theft A transient who sought refuge in occurred the pickup waa parked the jail at Ellis in central Kansas on a lot adjacent to the firm drowned when a wall of flood' The other four youths were re-water hit the building A Willmanlleased after charges were drop-Minn truck driver waa miuinglped and feared drowned near (Sara1 Billy Joe Young Wichita Falls Negro was held in county Jail Monday afternoon in lieu of $1000 City Minn Homes and business places were flooded In Sibux Falls and a body was reported seen floating near Ward SD after a car was washed away in a swollen creek Homes and business places were also flooded in Yankton SD and Kan A SCOFIELD JR MD Announces his return to tho practice of surgery 1500 EIGHTH STREET Uia mil ramrd' "curelQie Minnesota towns of Marshall the court records Willmar Granite Falls and Mont- evideo Parts of Hays and Ellis Dulles Defends Girard Decision WASHINGTON June 17 III -Secretary of State Dulles tod urged a Japanese trial for I) soldier William Girard to avoid "risk of injury to the United States personnel located in 1 Dulles filed an affidavit in US Dlst Court here opposing a by the Ottawa HI serviceman's lawyers to have his manslaughter case returned to US Jurisdiction The US government has agreed to let Japanese courts try Girard on charges of fatally shooting a Japanese woman who waa gathering scrap on an American rifla range i Dulles said any reversal of po- sition by the American govern- ment "win in my Judgment give rise to serious difficulties in our relations with the government and people of Japan and may Involve risk of injury to UB personnel located in He did not elaborate on the point Presumably he had in mind the possibility that protesting Japanese might attack Americans there Dulles said he and Secretary of Defense Wilson decided Girard Should be tried by Japanese courts "in full accord with procedures under a security treaty with Japan and an administrative agreement with the Jap anese government MONDAY-TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY 'the attempted burglary of Mount p1unt Rantiat Church shortly Pleasant Baptist Church shortly from Toby Ramsey's Mens Wear mi March 20 Assistant District Attorney Stan- ley Kirk presented the ease New Motel Opens ALTUS Okla June 17 (Special) new 30-unit Sagamor Motel on UB Highway 62 Just east of Altus who opened this week for operated in motel conjunction with the It's "The WESTERN WEAR NOCONA BOOTS 12495 to 3250 ACME BOOTS $1295 to $1995 CMMrsa'i Mm $399 le $1296 Complato Stack tik Wulam 'm fm Mm 25' Pint 29' Pound 2 4' Taxas "lea Cold" -Whole Lb 9 19 rtt Panel io Propose Post Office Funds WASHINGTON June 17 UR -A House Appropriations subcommit tee reportedly decided today to recommend that the Post Office Department be given 133 million dollars of the 149)4 million asked in extra funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1 Its action will be reported to the full committee on Friday A committee member said the cut of 16Vi million dollars from the request should not require any curtailment in postal service When Postmaster General Sum-merfield asked for the extra funds he said there would have to be curtailments if he didn't get the money Times-Record News Want Ads will bring quick money and quick results Phone 2-5241 VERNON Tex June 17 Dr Alien Kavanaugh 47 has been choeen to head the Vernon Independent School district superintendent according to school board president Roy Nonworthy Dr Kavanaugh comes to Vernon from New London where he served aa superintendent for the past eight years He replaces Dr John McFarland who leaves July 1 to become superintendent of the Amari i schools Dr Kfvanaugh was employed under a three year contract at 110600 a year He received hie doctor of education degree from Colorado State College In 1951 with a major in school administration and elementary education He was awarded a master's degree from Wait Texas State ki 1941 He also attended Wealey College at Greenville and was graduated from East Texas State He was a teaching principal for seven years at Plainview He acted aa county school superinten-der of Wheeler County for 11 years prior to becoming superintendent at New London He has been a member of the Selective Service board a member of the UB Army for four years active in Boy Scouts organized veterans vocational school in Wheeler County member of the Lions Club and Methodist church Dr and Mrs Kavanaugh have one son Mike 19 student at Kilgore College The new superintendent will Meet with the school board Monday June 24 and will spend that week In Vernon seeking housing and acquainting himself with the position here House Favors (Contlnaei fram Page One) is no good if you can't get a trial by Another amendment by Rep Ray (R-NY) to require the use of state court remedies in civil 'rights cues before any federal BailMI la taLu dfafaaAaJ 1 Am action ia taken wu defeated 146-127 Rep Brooks (D-La) tried unsuccessfully to amend the meas-urb to limit trials in contempt of court cases to the Judicial district whlch occurred Panel Blamed For Suicide MONTEREY Calif June 17 Iffl of a Stanford University biochemist doing research in cancer waa officially pronounced "apparent today Hia widow blamed by the House Un- American Activities Committee Die 41-year-old research man William Sherwood found dying in his laboratory yesterday wu scheduled to appear in San Francisco tomorrow before the committee headed by Rep Frances Walter (D-Pa) presumably for questioning about past associations Deputy Coroner Christopher Hill Jr said Sherwood apparently swallowed a chemical poison An- alysia of his stomach contents it under way he uid but results of it may not be known until tomor-No Inquest has been scheduled the deputy added nor ia one presently planned Mr Barbara Sherwood the widow Mid her husband had been pressed by financial worries and then put under great' strain by fear his reputation would bo ruined by publicity at the anti-Red hearing He actually did not know why he had been summoned a witness she said Save Your Valuable Rugs and Furnishings Soil free carpets ana upholstery wear longer We recommend frequent cleaning with easy to use Blue Lustre The swift action of this new miracle foam works equally well on wall-to-wall carpets fine oriental ruga or upholstery Bright original colors glum like new Blue Lustre la easily applied with a long handle brush luring pile open and lofty No residue remain to cause retoiling Very economical too gallon of Blue Lustre concentrate dean thru 9x12 rugs NOBLE HARDWARE CO IIS ladiau Phoae 2-3195 This waa defeated 118-108 the bill probably tomorrow It passed civil rights legislation July 33 1956 on a 279-128 vote but the bill died in the Senate Those who are fighting to prevent the same thing happening this year got a setback when a plan to bypass the Senate Judiciary Committee and bring the bill directly to the Senate floor began to lose support Sen Morse (D-Ore) for announced he felt the short-cut idea "would do great damage to the iwhole committee procedure of the Morse made it clear he is for early passage of civil rights legislation He said he would take the lead in discharg big the Judiciary Committee from consideration of the bill if it stalls The committee headed by Sen Eastland (D-Mlss) has had the bill for months Eastland is an avowed foe of civil rights legislation Sen Knowiand of California Republican leader of the Senate urged hia colleagues to give feeri-ous consideration to the bypassing strategy Fox theorized the by professional were acquainted safe A charge would normally the safe wu Intact when the discovered Monday morphine may be a prescription but the fame Illicit drug market approximately $35 on yotw addresses of six witnesses "material to the who were not present Monday aa grounds for a postponement Judge Purcell overruled the defense motion for a postponement and ordered District Clerk Flora Cobb to issue writs of attachment for the six missing wit nesses One of the witnesses a Mrs Johnson is in Europe according to a sheriffs return on her subpoena and another ia on vacation and wu never served Castledine had entered into the court record the reasons for the necessity of the appearance of the witnesses From the reasons given Monday afternoon the defense indicated self-defense would be a possible defense used by the accused Of the 55 subpoenas issued Deputy Sheriff Guy Hill had served 47 though onlySJ Vitiiessei were present Monday in court The state subpoenaed only eight witnesses Castledine did not ask for the rule of exclusion to be invoked However the state did and Judge Purcell ordered all witnesses not to enter the courtroom after being a worn Witnesses were dismissed until Wednesday Judge Purcell Monday waived the rule for two newspaper reporter! assigned to cover the trial at least until testimony commences Judy selection ia expected to last at least Until Thursday Monday afternoon defense counsel Steve Latham asked for the recess because the missing veniremen called Monday would necessitate questioning of prospective Jurors of from the way names were drawn from the Jury wheel and entered on lists provided defense and state attorneys District Attorney Wilson speed to the defense motion and Judge Purcel! panted it though he remarked he had hoped to question veniremen Monday afternoon The venire wu a bone of contention in a defense motion Monday morning Castledine moved the venire be quashed on grounds it la a special venire not a petit venire A special venire is drawn Okla City Kansas City Chicago Galveston Save the Popular Prudential Redeem Them at Our Redemption Center Located at 1504 11th St DOUBLE STAMPS PURCHASE OF $250 OR MOREI Hunt Continues For Lost Plane Darkness curtailed the third-day air search for a Big Spring Tex man A who wu last seen leaving the Big Spring airport Friday in his Piper Super Cub headed for Tulsa Okie Helicopter searchers out of six bases win resume Tuesday according to the Wichita Falla CivU Aeronautics Administration The search is being conducted out of Duncan Okla with planes from Lawton Oklahoma City and Ardmore (kin and Big Spring party Parliament ia scheduled for AbIlene nd Wichta Falla under Nasser Screens Out Candidates CAIRO June 17 W-President Nasser today crossed out about half the candidates for Egypt's find Parliament to be elected under the revolutionary regime Cabinet members and soma other Nasser cronies were left unopposed The election of the 350-man non That Good "BLISS" Made by Maxwell House GLADIOLA White Yellow Devil's Food Pefund Box BORDEN'S "Easy-to-Opn Can" Tasty Swift's A Assorted Flavors SHERBET July I Communists relatives of ex King Farouk and extremist leaders under the old monarchy were ruled off the lists So were Egyptians who have been arrested con "fa)1" irtrfeted reridencs cr Surveflfe The Interior Ministry gavs no figures on the number of candidates left after Nasser and three lieutenants finished screening the list of 2508 candidates The government radio said 1319 candidates were approved The Cairo press on the basis of its own compilations estimated the number surviving the screening between 1142 and 1320 Nasser and his three lieutenants make up the National Union Committee which is given the right under the revolutionary constitution to screen candidates Then is no appeal from the committee's ruling The screening left 63 candidates unopposed and they thus are members of the new Parliament All 16 Cabinet ministers who decided to run were left without opponents as were a number of army officers on whom Nasser has placed much reliance Yeager Is Named As Best Speaker Un and Lceroy safe was opened burglars who with the type of of tear gas which be set off when forced open wu burglary wu morning A grain of purchased through for about 9 cents amount on the will bring officers aaid the direction of the Oklahoma wing of the Civil Air Patrol Dahse hu been Unreported since he took off about pm Fri- Iday and so radio contact hu mtit- Aa experienced pilot hei about K-yearsd The Oklahoma Civil Air Patrol waa checking rumors of possible crashes Monday The latest wu from a farmer near Seminole Okla who uid he saw a man parachute from a plana Friday evening Lt Col Hubby Wichita Falls commander of Group 2 CAP uid Holiday morning that "absolutely no and trace" of the missing plane were found in the search Sunday which originated from Kickapoo Airport in Wichita Falls Colonel Hubby Mid the Texu wing of the CAP conducted the extensive search Sunday with two planes from Sweetwater two from Breckenridge one from 01 ney and four from Wichita Falls participating The CAP officer Mid the searchers flew S4H hours with the nine plane Sunday concentrating o9er an area 30 miles wide from Big Spring to the vicinity of Seymour From Seymour to the Red River the planes "fanned and searched area along the river which extended some 75 miles in width conference in City into the club wu Van Pain Stops In A Jiffy! Dr act nuatlhna fast miMn WimiN son nia bat of tha quirbMt wayi Gat a baa today I WLSchoUsZinZpads MIX 'EM or MATCH 303 Size Can BARGAIN TABLE mwm Tuna SLIT? 25 Crackers 25 Spaghetti SL- 2 23 Tamales 39 Oho £2 'a 26 Treat tZi IL39 Potatoes 2 29 Spinach Er 2 29 FRESH TOMATOES £21 22 "Not Just MEATS but GOOD Fresh!" LIVER Genuine Calf No Gristle Pound 39' GROUND MEAT57rr: 29' BEEF SHORT RIBS 23' BACON Armour's Tra-Pak Pound 59' BOLOGNA JL 39' I FRANKS cX ik35' Hal Yeager wu named the best speaker of the evening at the weekly meeting of the Wichita Falla Toastmaster's Club Monday with Henson taking second place i Top critic wu Dean Fellows and other critics serving under general evaluator Kenneth Sawydr were John Gilmore Jimmie Davit and Dr Miner Long Topic master wu A Baker and topic speakers were Dr Long Sawyer Fellows Gamble and For-! west Pridgeon Fellows also serv- Kmovd a toastmaster's Oklahoma Inducted Curtis Com Fast Pardner here's a mighty good way to travel North Restful all-room Pullmans "stretch out chair coaches Fred Harvey meal and a friendly Courier Nurse head North at 3:03 PM come on along i Low Coach fares make travel easy fo enjoy One-way fare in chair cars from Gainesville to Chicago ia only $2512 to Galveston only $1072 (tax extra) I For tickets Just I DAVENPORT Ticket Agent Santa Station HOward 5-2847 Gcinesvill 500-A qd as lexicologist Other speakers were Seymour and Marvin Patterson Toastmaster of the evening wu Henry Rizan He gave a five minute talk on' a report by Hen-1 aoa whf recently returned from tiMiL I.

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Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.