FALLS RECORD NEWS Page 8- Mar. 7, 1956 FALLS, TEXAS Record Page Mrs. Lloyd McCloud, Bryson, To Address Henrietta Club HENRIETTA, March 6. (Special) -The Clay County en's Club will meet at 10 a. m.
March 9, in the First MR. AND MRS. JARNIGAN Couple Wed in Bowie To Live in Shreveport BOWIE, Texas, March 6. (Special) Patsy Bailey of Fort Worth became the bride of Carroll C. Jarnigan of Shreveport, in a double-ring ceremony at the First Methodist Church of Bowie on Saturday afternoon, Feb.
11. Rev. Warren S. McSwain, pastor of the First Methodist Church, read the double-ring ceremony. Traditional wedding music was played by Mrs.
Nelda Merrette, organist. Mrs. James Buckner of Grapevine was matron of honor. Best man was Frank Smith of Little Rock, Ark. Mrs.
Jarnigan is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Bird of Bowie and is a graduate of the Bowie High School.
Members of the wedding party Included Messrs. and Mesdames D. E. Bird, Bobby Bird, Frank Smith of Little Rock, James Buckner of Grapevine, Harry Hifiel of Fort Worth and Mrs. Ora Carmickheal of Fort Worth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jarnagin will make their home in Shreveport where he is a private pilot for a Methodist Church in Henrietta. The district president, Mrs. Lloyd McCloud of Bryson, will be the principal speaker.
At noon, a covered dish luncheon will be served; and a plant exchange will be a feature on the program. devotional and opening prayer will be given by Mrs. R. E. Anderson, followed by two numbers by the Ward School Choral Club, directed by Mrs.
Pierre Stine, Four-H activities and projects will be discussed. Mrs. Bill Thomas will play an organ solo, and white elephant sale will complete white elephant sale will complete the morning session. All club delegates and any other interested women are invited to attend. In lieu of a stated program and demonstration, Cambridge H.
D. Club held a planning session recently in the home of Mrs. Blake Powers. Recreation included a sing-song, led by Mrs. G.
E. Milner with roll call answered by an incident in the life of Washington. Included in future plans were a tea and exhibit sometime during National H. D. Week, sharing information and demonstrations, and assisting in Four-H Club activities.
Announcement of the County Federation meeting March 9 was made and members were urged to attend bringing a "white elephant" and something for the plant sale. During the social session the hostess served refreshments, to Mesdames Lou Straley, Lon Kelley, H. C. Zachry, Carrie Lechner, E. B.
Goodner, L. P. Looney, A. L. Parker, W.
0. Nix, W. J. Vinson and G. E.
Milner, OKLAHOMA COUNTY CLERK MARRIES IN OLNEY OLNEY, March 6. (Special)Marriage' vows were (Feb. exchanged 3) p. m. Saturday in the First Baptist Church by an Oklahoma couple, Miss Sevelle I.
Dickey of Waurika, county clerk of Jefferson County, and Ocie Overstreet of Ryan, Okla. The church pastor, Rev. Erwin Reed, perform.ed the wedding ceremony in study of the church. The couple was unattended. pipeline company.
The couple was unattended. at Butlers Turnitur New! Exclusive! Tension- -Free Support answers your mattress question (Serta Perfect Sleeper MATTRESS and BOX SPRING AMERICA'S FINEST SMOOTH -TOP only $5950 a It's the Serta Patented Uni-matic" Construction that gives you wonderful new "tension-free It gently cushions as it soothes and relaxes you. It's your you sleep it in answer to the finest in sleeping comfort So smooth, so restful so satisfying. DISCOUNT FOR CASH Baden a A Furniture The Popular Price Store BRYAN BAILEY, Owner 917-919 Scott Phone 2-1148 Ann Landers On: YOUR PROBLEMS Dear Ann: My husband and I have been married 24 years and are in our mid-forties. Our children are married.
We were happy until last year when he began to be away on "business" trips more than usual. My suspicions were confirmed when the airlines called one morning to verify a flight for "Mr. and Mrs." Well-I wasn't going anyplace but it was apparent that someone else. was. When I confronted with this he almost went through the floor, begged my forgiveness and cancelled everything.
I'm planning a three-month trip to visit my children and reluctant to go now. My husband started to stray when I left him last year for three months to visit the girls. Please advise.Didn't your mother ever tell you that "husbands and fires go out when It's just as true today as it was then. Don't leave Rover Boy for three months. Your daughters don't need for you such a long stretch but he does.
Why not go together for two weeks and stay in a hotel? Call it a "second honeymoon." Learn from experience and stay close at hand. Dear Dear Mrs. Landers: I'm an ex-prize fighter who weighs 230 pounds but I have never thrown my weight around. I was engaged to a very beautiful girl for three years. When I caught her cheating on me we had a few words and I accidentally broke her jaw.
She had me arrested and the judge gave me a year which is why I am writing from here. My girl has written that she doesn't want to be married for at least three or four years and this has me worried. She is a nervous type. Do you think this means anything? Please -C. G.
A girl whose boy friend (weight 230 pounds) broke her jaw has a right to be "nervous." Don't count too heavily on this girl as your bride. She probably got a new "outlook" along with the new bridge-work and is trying to break it to you gently. When a gal postpones a wedding three years in my book it means "never." Dear Mrs. Landers: I'm 16 and going steady with a boy 17 who is in the service. When he came home he dated an old flame behind my back and stood me up.
I waited for him until 11:30 and he didn't show up. My mother saw how unhappy I was and she doesn't want me to see him again. Everything is all patched between us now but mother won't change her, mind. She said she would let you decide. Please tell her she is judging him too harshly.
Thank IN LOVE. Your mother is trying to pre vent you from putting your head (and heart) in a cement mixer. The Newest in Classics 12-44 Tailored to perfection and becoming to every size-the crisp shirtwaist dress that takes every occasion in stride. No. 1276 with PATT-0-RAMA included is in sizes 12, 14, 16, 20; 40, 42, 44.
Size 14, yards of 35-inch. Send 35 cents in coins for this pattern to IRIS LANE WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS 367 West Adams Street Chicago 6, Ill. Some optical glass is so clear a book can be read through a piece 10 feet thick, says the Twentieth Century Fund. FIRST BAPTISTS BEGIN OBSERVANCE OF PRAYER WEEK The stars in your eyes are clouding your vision. Your boy friend is giving, you a fast shuffle and you should judge him by his formances and not his promises.
Listen to your mother. With advice like that -you don't need me. CONFIDENTIALLY: URSULA: This man is dynamite. Break up this no good affair or you'll be occupying quarters with his wife before you know it. P.
You need help badly. Name and address. MISS Don't elope. The whole thing may look different in a year. Wait and see.
You'll never regret it. MEATBALL: You've had it, boy. Tell her "thanks for the buggy ride" and get off at the next stop. B. You are on the right track.
Keep up the improvement and people will notice in time and accept you. UNHAPPY TEENAGER: Thanks for the picture of your eyebrows. I say tweeze them. WORRIED: Move out of her building and get on your own. Your hubby's mother is trying to act like a wife, too.
Don't permit it! (Ann Landers will be glad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper.) Copyright 1956, Field Enterprises, Inc. HENRIETTA CLUB'S FOUNDER'S DAY TO BE HONORED HERE HENRIETTA, March 6. (Special) -Unity Study Club met recently, in the home of Mrs. Cecil Donnell.
The president, Mrs. Houston McMurry, presided, with 18 members present. Mrs. Bill Edwards and Mrs. Tom Hardaway are new members.
Mrs. Frank Bunting, entertainment committee chairman, announced that the club would celebrate the 45th anniversary of its founding with a luncheon in the Junior-Senior Room of the Forum in Wichita Falls on March 24. A program entitled "Democracy Is was presented by Mrs. Andrew Smith and Mrs. Bunting.
Briefs and Notices The Carrigan Parent-Teacher Association meeting originally set for Thursday, March 8, has been re-set for Thursday, March 15, at 3 p. m. in the school auditorium according to announcement made by Mrs. C. N.
Matthews, president. Annie Armstrong Week of Prayer was begun Monday morning by the First Baptist Woman's Missionary Society when Mrs. Solon Featherstone, prayer chairman, was in charge of the program. Mrs. Featherston stressed the week's theme, "Lord Teach Us to Pray." For the devotional, she directed that music be played by Mrs.
0. G. Stephens, painist, while silent prayers were repeated. Also as part of the devotional Mesdames Paul Flake T. J.
Henry, Minnie Wells Josey and John Evans presented a vocal selection, accompanied by Mrs. C. A. Wimberley. Mrs.
Roy Broadway served as moderator for a panel discussion on the Southern Baptist Home Missions. Participating were Mesdames J. R. McCormick, B. H.
Kirkland, M. R. Kirkland, Ben Shelton and Burl Moye. Mrs. J.
Newton Huff, president, directed the short business session following the luncheon. Lee Jr. showed films of the home mission board and gave some of the needs of the group. Mrs. J.
E. Kanatser's circle six served as hostesses. The week's program will resume at 10 a.m. Thursday and Friday at the church. 40000000 Duncan Chief Heads State Organization Eddrith McGill, J.
L. Guthrie Exchange Vows in Waco HOLLIS, March 6. cial) Miss Eddrith McGill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edd McGill, Altus, became the bride of Jimmy L.
Guthrie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Guthrie, Waco, in the Central Christian Church, Waco, Thursday, March 1, at 4:30 p.
m. Dr. Clyde Skelly Sherman read the double-ring ceremony before a floral and fern altar background, flanked white cathedral tapers. The bride, entering on the arm of her father, wore a. pink lace street length dress with matching headband and short veil.
Pink and white rosebuds formed her colonial bouquet. Knox City Club Names Mrs. Reese Delegate KNOX CITY, March 6. (Special) -The Knox City Study Club observed Texas Day with a program at the Woman's Club. Mrs.
Cash, program leader, presented the high school chorus who sang three numbers. Mrs. Clyde E. Williams, guest speaker, reviewed the book, "The Typical Texan," by Joseph Leach. Guests were girls from the eighth grade of the local grammar school.
A social hour followed the program and the club honored Mrs. T. P. Frizell as a charter member, who has a perfect record of attendance and was celebrating her birthday. Mrs.
C. J. Reese, president-elect, was elected delegate to the district meeting in Weatherford later in the month. Hostesses were Mesdames E. P.
Reese, E. F. Branton and C. C. Hoge.
An Easter Special! MRS. J. L. GUTHRIE Miss Ava Joy Felty of Hollis, who attended the bride, wore aqua faille, fashioned on similar lines to that of the bride. Her hat was white and her bouquet of pink rosebuds.
Dr. Douglas Guthrie Waco, served his brother as best man. The reception was held in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Guthrie after which the couple left for a honeymoon trip to New Orleans, La.
Upon their return they will establish a home at 1517 Barnard Avenue, Waco. The groom, a junior in Baylor University, majoring in commercial art and radio, will continue in college. The bride, sophom*ore at Baylor, majoring in drama, will also continue in college. Mrs. Guthrie grew up at Hollis was graduated from Hollis High School where she was active in band and campus affairs and in the youth program of her church.
Mr. Guthrie has completed four years in the United States Navy, spending much of the time in Honolulu, Hawaii, and traveled extensively in the Pacific area. bride was miscellaneous showAmong pre events for the er in Hollis with Mesdames Paul Pickens, Ennis Putnam, Carl Stinson, Mitchell Taylor, A. L. Wilson and Miss 3 Ave Joy Felty acting as hostesses.
Bringing Up Balry. HINTS COLLECTED BY Mps Sau OF Gerbu (MOTHER 5) Frequent question from new mothers: "Will too much attention spoil baby?" That's probably the mostdiscussed subject in the annals of baby care, so who is to say. But I like to think that a nice young neighbor of mine has the right idea. "Comforting a fussy baby is only using common sense. Every time you pick him up and croon away his loneliness you give him the security he is so obviously reaching out for." Calories may be unpopular with outsize grownups, but little live wires need a goodly share of these important energy-givers.
Energy in a delectable dish. Gerber Strained Bananas are rich in the calories baby needs for growth and energy. That's why sO many doctors specify this fruit as one of the desirable starting solids. Gerber Strained Bananas are made from only fully ripe fruit (key to easy digestibility) carefully prepared to preserve the delicate banana flavor and appetizing banana color. As for texture, they're pureed to a pleasant -feeling smoothness that's especially satisfying to small-fry.
Sweet music. Why not attach some tiny jingle bells to baby's carriage? The merry, "soft-spoken" music will delight him when he's awake won't disturb him when he's asleep. Most babies love meat, and Gerber Strained Meats are famous for savory, true-meat flavors provide the complete proteins baby needs for growth and strength. Made from succulent, selected Armour cuts, carefully pressure -processed to preserve flavor, fine Armour quality and a high ARMOUR valuable proportion vitamins of minerals. Fat and fiber reduced to a minimum for easy digestibility.
All 8 are pure meat, with just enough natural meat broth to enhance flavor and texture. Gerber Baby Foods, Fremont, Michigan. DUNCAN, March 6 (P- Police Chief Jack Culberson of Duncan is the new president of the state Fraternal Order of Police, succeeding Paul McQuillen of Muskogee. Culberson was elected at the group's bi-annual convention which closed here today. Delegates attended from 15 lodges in the state.
Other officers include W. J. Cates, Okmulgee, vice president; Paul Sapulpa, secretary; R. L. Oliver, McAlester, treasurer; Walter Asbery, Lawton, conductor; Bill Harp, Tulsa, guard; W.
J. Swanson, Muskogee, parliamentarian; and Ken Radabaugh, Cushling, chaplain. the yarn shop Parker Square Values polished 1.69 cotton Yd. $1.00 to Now, old all salty linen. 898 A Bates rayon Reg.
1.39 Now also many new fabrics 3 The ideal accessories for your Easter outfit -a lovely pillbox plus clutch bag in simple crochet. Pattern No. 196 contains directions. Send 25 cents in coins for this pattern to MARTHA MADISON WICHITA FALLS RECORD NEWS 367 W. Adams Chicago 6, Ill.
About 26 million families in the United States take a half billion photographs every year, says the Twentieth Century Fund. THE PLACE TO BRING YOUR SHIRTS LAUNDRY 17-MINUTE TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO one-bowl method almost as fast as a FRESH HOMEMADE CAKES mix and twice as good WITH THESE QUICK-'-EASY ONE-BOWL RECIPES One-Bowl Cake Tips Always use double-acting baking powder specified shortening. and Start soft, temperature heating before emulsifier-type oven you to Homemade Fudge Cake begin to mix. FUDGE CAKE SIFT together into large mixing bowl, cups sifted cake flour, cups Imperial ulated Sugar, 2 teaspoons baking powder, teaspoon salt, 6 tablespoons cocoa. Add cup soft shortening, cup milk.
BEAT with electric mixer An at low to medium speed for 2 Add to unbeaten eggs (2 dium) and cup more milk. Beat 2 minutes longer. Fold in teaspoon vanilla and cup chopped nuts. POUR batter into prepared square 9" x9" 2" pan. Bake at F.
30 to 35 minutes. FROST WITH FUDGE FROSTING--Thoroughly cream cup butter or margarine, 3 squares melted unsweetened chocolate, speck of salt, and '1 cup Imperial Confectioners Powdered Sugar. Add alternately 2 cups additional Imperial Confectioners Powdered Sugar and cup milk or cream, beating until smooth and of spreading consistency. Add teaspoons vanilla. LITTLE CAKE -to serve just a few.
Only minutes from start to oven! SIFT together into large mixing bowl, cups rial sifted spoons cake Granulated baking flour, powder, Sugar, cup 2 Impe- tea- SUGAR! Add 1 medium egg, unbeaten. BEAT with electric mixer at spoon shortening, salt. Drop cup in milk and cup 1 IMPERIAL TIME! IMPERIAL teaspoon vanilla. medium speed for SAVE RESULTS in pan on wire rack for 10 min25 paper-lined minutes or pan. until Bake at done.
Cool SUGAR QUICK Beat minutes longer. POUR into 8" 8" 2" greased, GET IT'S utes. Remove from pan; peel off paper and cool on rack. Double recipe to make two 9" layers. granulated Pure dissolving spoon, periods beat as above.
briskly Use for full same sweep- time LES. LAMA BY HAND: With TEXAS Cane ing ting strokes through around the the center bowl, every cut- 5 CO. SUGAR or 10 strokes. Allow 150 strokes SUGAR per minute. IMPERIAL 196.