Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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rr PwyylHUUM 8B1 Saturday July 181998 Times Record News NATION a tyr Sailor arrested in 1976 killing Injured officer looking for ways to be productive helps break case The focus narrowed in 1994 when Kuenn told officers he was with Hutto the night she disappeared Short said That contradicted what Kuenn had said in 1976 hwrBtaknofWkNtaRKsuwortoiSteSammokbm(frmlDaBii officers he was with Hutto the night she disappeared Short said That contradicted what Kuenn had said in 1976 A day after the killing Kuenn had given police an alibi that they were never able to verify This spring investigators got the break been waiting for They received DNA test results on crime-scene evidence that had been unidentifiable in 1976 The DNA test results led to search warrants that allowed officers to get blood samples from Kuenn on Wednesday After the warrants Kuenn confessed during a 90-minute interview Wednesday with agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service Short said Largo detectives hope DNA will match evidence from the crime scene Those test results will not be available for several months As detectives interviewed Kuenn in Groton his relatives in four different states were being interviewed Officers confirmed what they suspected Short said at least two of relatives knew about his involvement in killing Short would not name the relatives or discuss confession "He provided details of the crime that only the killer would have Short said Knapp said something happened that night with Hutto that caused a panic He said it appeared Hutto and her killer had been in the house under construction in front of the pond where her body was found "I don't know if it was a sexual liaison or what but something went terribly Distributed by Scripps Howard News Service 'it i i nt ij be as pretty as a picture in great Spring and Summer colors SAVE this weekend at the Sites Senler Sidewalk Sale Stores throughout the mall will display merchandise in the halls of Sikes Senter at drastically reduced prices for Summer Clearance BrianncAge6 Months! ChkxAge4 IT gV J'1 pea At St Petersburg Hums ST PETERSBURG Fla Tom Knapp was Largo's sergeant of detectives in 1976 when 16-yearold Carol Hutto was found dead at the bottom of a shallow pond hear body weighted down under a pile of concrete blocks Years passed with no solid leads life went on Knapp retired in 1994 and moved to Las Vegas Thursday after Largo detectives finally made an arrest in the case Knapp returned a call from Ins cell phone in Nevada Though be hadn't heard the news the name was on his lips "Jimmy Kuenn James Brian Kuenn age 38 He was 17 when Hutto died on the night of Dec 13 1976 And until his arrest Wednesday he was a petty officer aboard a submarine in Connecticut and a 14-year Navy veteran He lived in a duplex with his wife and their children from previous marriages "He was always a suspect in my mind Knapp said just have good explanations for that night We knew that they probably had seen each other that night but couldn't definitively put them Largo detectives finally were able to make the connection matching DNA with samples taken from the crime scene Thursday they were in Groton Conn to question Kuenn further and transport him to Pinellas County where he is expected to be charged Friday During a break in their work Thursday night they revealed the remarkably random way the 21-year-old case got its second wind: an injured officer Brad Hoyes was looking for ways to be productive and decided in 1994 to take another look at oldest murder case Detectives also disclosed that Carol Hutto had written almost daily about Kuenn in her diaries "Ninety percent of her journal entries were about Jimmy Largo police Sgt Mike Short add Hutto seemed to have a crush on Kuenn Short said and the two hung around together in the neighborhood He would not describe her journals in detail but said they "pointed to Jim The focus narrowed in 1994 when Kuenn told Source: Rudolph contacted supplier Paul Nowell The Associated Press ANDREWS NC As heavily armed agents converged Friday on a wooded area where abortion clinic bombing suspect Eric Rudolph resurfaced last week questions remained about his contact with a man he obtained supplies from Rudolph went to the home of a health food store owner twice a law enforcement source speaking on condition of anonymity told The Associated Press He went to George house July 7 when he showed up and got food and two days later when he appeared again requested specific items and departed in truck the source said He reportedly left five $100 bills as payment for provisions including oatmeal raisins tuna dried fruit and batteries On July 11 two days after the second contact Nordmann 71 notified authorities His truck was found Monday at a campsite a few miles away from his home 10 miles east of here near Nanta-hala Lake in far western North Carolina Media reports said a note left on the front seat The Birmingham News said Friday it was in Rudolph's handwriting stated who the owner was Federal agents have refused to comment about Nordmann his role and what investigators found when they searched his truck business in Andrews has been closed all week and he does not appear to be at his home Mining puniaaadS4MFinanoachargaawMbartiowi on oonkact but all inlaraatchaniaawabaralundad on any langlli contract jPgrereipaHlonlmwagiMd and (MbSanSpaidlnUnar baton IzmMhi from (WaolpinniNL Oltor IAI IA PRINCESS 7-DAY Vw 1 iM -CRUISE FOR TWO!" 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Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)
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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.